New Delhi: Actor Hansika Motwani and Sohael Khaturiya got married in Jaipur a year ago. Their wedding was documented in a Disney+Hotstar series titled Hansika’s Love Shaadi Drama. Now, a year later, the couple celebrated their anniversary in style by going on a vacation.
Hansika shared a video featuring her wedding and captioned it, "Happy 1st anniversary babe ♥️This year has been nothing but a blessing. ♥️best decision of my life .love you."
Hansika also shared a video on her Instagram story in which we see her reading handwritten love notes given to her by staff members of her lush hotel room as she walks into her room to find even more. She looks excited and elated on reading these notes.
Later, in the day, Hansika was seen in a pastel lehenga-saree looking the most elegant.
Hansika Motwani also shared pictures and clips from her anniversary celebrations featuring cutting a chocolate cake and popping some champagne to ring in the celebrations.
Hansika also thanked her friends and family for wishing her on her first wedding anniversary. She shared screenshots of the same on her Instagram story.
Hansika Motwani and Sohael Khaturia were friends before marriage. The couple fell in love and got engaged in Paris when the latter proposed to Hansika on one knee.
Their wedding took place on December 4 last year at the 45-year-old Mundota Fort in Jaipur.
Meanwhile, Hansika Motwani predominately works in Tamil and Telugu films. Hansika began her career as a child actor in Hindi films.