New Delhi: Bollywood actor Gulshan Devaiah has kicked off 2024 with a renewed commitment to rekindle his relationship with his wife Kallirroi Tziafeta, marking a second chance for their marriage. The couple, who initially tied the knot in 2012 and separated in 2020, have recently ventured back into the realm of dating.  

In a conversation with Hindustan Times, Devaiah reflected on their journey and emphasised the importance of their time apart, stating that the separation was a necessary step in their personal growth. 

"We both share a profound love and an enduring bond that remains unbroken. The challenges we faced initially were shaped by circumstances that have evolved. We, as individuals, have grown into improved versions of ourselves, and the separation played a pivotal role in that transformation,” he was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times. 

The actor expressed a newfound understanding of himself, highlighting personal and professional development. "I am more secure, better at communication, and adept at handling challenges. My external circumstances are now more favorable, and I've cultivated a mindset that avoids unnecessary suffering," Devaiah told Hindustan Times. 

In terms of their current relationship status, the 45-year-old actor mentioned, "We are taking it one day, one date at a time. The focus is on rediscovering the joy of dating, exploring nice restaurants, and planning holidays together. We are consciously avoiding overthinking our current situation."  

Addressing the delicate balance between work and personal life, Devaiah acknowledged past challenges but revealed their concerted efforts to improve. "Maintaining a clear boundary between work and personal life has been tough, impacting our relationship previously. However, we've worked on it, implementing measures such as avoiding work-related calls and texts before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m., designating Sundays as no-work talk days. I'm considering getting a separate office space to physically distinguish work from personal life," he told Hindustan Times.