New Delhi: Divya Agarwal recently opened up about her personal life on Rj Anmol and Amrita Rao's talk show 'Couple Of Things.' She was joined by her fiance, Apurva Padgaonkar. After making her separation from Varun Sood public on social media, she quickly became the centre of attention when she announced her engagement to Apurva Padgaonkar. Divya shared how she quickly found comfort in her friendship with Apurva Padgaonkar after breaking up with Varun. She further recalled Apurva telling her that breaking up with Varun was ‘good’.
Divya Agarwal recently revealed that she had a difficult time after the end of her relationship with Varun. She said, “I was very low after my father passed. At my lowest phase, I found nobody around me. That’s when I thought there is something wrong in this relationship. Then I met Apurva at a common friend’s wedding last year on February 14. We were sitting and just said, ‘We were so stupid. We could have been in that place’. I told him that I was in a relationship. And honestly, after that day, I was in two minds. He told me to meet his dogs. I met them, I met his parents and then I don’t know how, I saw his closet in his bedroom and just thought, ‘Where is my space here?’ I didn’t even share this thought with him. I was hyper and feeling guilty because I had a boyfriend (Varun Sood).”
She added, “I was feeling guilty that I broke his (Varun) heart and Apurva planned a trip to Goa for me. We had never travelled overnight before together. He told me, ‘You did good to that guy because later it would have been a bigger mess’.”
In the same interview, Divya Agarwal said that she was to blame for her 'abrupt' split with Varun Sood. She said, “With Varun, I felt all over the place. With Apurva, I would feel calm and mature. I made Varun meet Apurva. I told him clearly that I had a problem. I had confusion. Whatever has happened is very wrong and it has happened because of me. I need to put a stop somewhere. And that’s why it was an abrupt break-up.”
Divya and Varun appeared on the TV reality show ‘Ace Of Space’ together and started dating soon after the show ended. They parted ways last year.
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