New Delhi: On July 3, Dhanush was seen at the Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh, where he is currently filming the role of ‘Captain Miller’ under the direction of Arun Matheswaran. He took his two little boys, Yatra and Linga, as well as his mom and dad, to the temple. Dhanush, Yatra, and Linga not only had darshan first thing in the morning but also had their heads tonsured as a form of worship. The internet is on fire with Dhanush's new appearance. 

Dhanush cut off his hair and thick beard and became completely bald. The actor paid a visit to Tirupati and made an offering to Lord Venkateswara, by having his head shaved. On various social media platforms, a number of images and videos that feature the actor with his new look have gained widespread attention. 

The actor wore a dark blue shirt with a white veshti. A string of rudraksha beads adorned his neck.

The new hairstyle is said to be for Dhanush's forthcoming flick, ‘D50’. This film, produced by Sun Pictures, will include Dhanush both as director and actor. The film's cast and crew have not been officially announced. The D50 team has not yet released any further information but fans of Dhanush are sure that this is his getup for the film.

Dhanush was most recently seen in the Telugu-Tamil film ‘Vaathi’. His next film is Arun Matheswaran's ‘Captain Miller’, which is now in post-production. In addition to this, he will also be part of filmmaker Aanand L. Rai’s film titled ‘Tere Ishq Mein’. 

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