New Delhi: Deepika Padukone, soon-to-be a mother has decided to flaunt her baby bump and full glow once and for all. The actor's whose baby bump pictures have been rare and anticipated finally treated fans with her pregnancy glow on Friday afternoon. Deepika shared a video of herself from a store not just flaunting her baby bump but also her 82 E collection's display there.
Take a look at Deepik Padukone in all her baby bump glory but also basking in the success of her 82 E collection at a Tira store.
Deepika Padukone baby bump trolling
A couple of days ago, Deepika Padukone faced quite some negative criticism for her baby bump with many calling it even 'fake'. Deepika Padukone, who had stepped outside to vote during the fifth phase of the Mumbai Lok Sabha Elections 2024, faced trolling and nasty comments about her body.
Amid the trolling, a senior journalist Faye D’Souza also penned a note on her official Instagram account in show of solidarity with Deepika.
"Dear social media, Deepika Padukone stepped out to do her democratic duty and vote. She did not ask for your feedback on her body or her pregnancy. You have no right to comment on any aspect of her life. Stop it. Behave," Faye wrote in her post.
Alia Bhatt, Deepika's contemporary and actor liked Faye's post. Not just Alia, Alia's sisters Pooja Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt and her mother, Soni Razdan, all liked the post.
Meanwhile, several Instagram users appreciated Faye and called out trollers saying, ""Finally someone said it ! Thank you for taking a stand and saying that. Much respect 🙌"
Deepika Padukone pregnancy announcement
Deepika Padukone announced her pregnancy with Ranveer Singh earlier this year. The two tied the knot in December 2018 and are now expecting their first child in September.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Supports Deepika Padukone As Trolls Shame 'Pathaan' Actress For Her Baby Bump