New Delhi: Famous Tamil actor Chiyaan Vikram discussed a terrifying event in his life. In a recent podcast, the actor opened up about a motorcycle accident in which he nearly lost his leg. The tragic accident occurred on his way back from IIT Chennai after a performance. Although his leg was saved, the doctors informed him that he would not be able to walk.
In a podcast with BeerBiceps, Chiyaan Vikram disclosed details of the accident saying, “It was a bad accident, very complicated. When they took me to the hospital, they wanted to amputate my leg. It was that bad because if I had a cut maybe the blood would have come out. Because there was no cut, my bones had broken. My leg swelled up and my pulse stopped. I had gangrene. They didn't know what to do in the government hospital, they said let's amputate his leg.”
He elaborated, “In those days, if you had an accident there’s a police case. So, you had to take the person to a government hospital. They didn't have the equipment to cut my leg. So, they took me to a private hospital and did some magic. They released the blood and I got my pulse back.”
Vikram endured a torturous healing procedure. He shared, “I was in bed for 3 years. I had 23 surgeries. I had an infection and then one year on crutches. I didn't walk for four years. I had pins and it was crazy and the doctor said you can't walk anymore and my mother was devastated.”
Knee Of A 76-Year-Old Man
Vikram remembered meeting the doctor who had treated him. He shared, "The doctor who saw me after 5 years. He looked at me and said 'Hey you're walking. You're not supposed to walk'. He was shocked. He said 'Wow. Fantastic' and he took the x-rays and he said 'I think you should not run. Don't climb steps, don't jump.' I said Doctor but I'm an actor that's all I do. He said okay you try but be careful.”
The actor also related a funny story about his wife telling the doctor that he had been doing physically demanding activities for a long time. “When I went back, my wife said to the doctor that he's not listening. The doctor again saw the X-ray and he said 'I don't know there's something. I don't know how it's working for you.' He told me your knee is like a 76-year-old man's knee. It's totally gone. How do you do it,” Vikram concluded.
Vikram also mentioned that he still can’t fully bend his knees.
Taking Motivation From Sudha Chandran
Vikram drew motivation from the inspiring tale of Sudha Chandran, a dancer who tragically lost a leg in an accident but miraculously recovered with a prosthetic limb. The actor said, “I was always positive. I watched Mayuri (Sudha Chandran). She's a dancer and she has an accident and her leg gets cut and then she comes back with a false leg and she dances. The same Doctor who operated on her operated on me. So, if she can do it I'll do it.”