New Delhi: Actor Amir Khan and Tamil actor Vishnu Vishal, who were stranded in Chennai due to floods were rescued by the fire and rescue department. Vishnu Vishal took to X and updated his fans that he has been rescued and shared pictures of the rescue operation.

He wrote, “Thanks to the fire and rescue department in helping people like us who are stranded. Rescue operations have started in Karapakkam. Saw 3 boats functioning already. Great work by TN govt in such testing times. Thanks to all the administrative people who are working relentlessly.” 

Interestingly Aamir Khan is also seen in the photos sitting on a rescue boat. They also clicked selfies with the members of the rescue department. 

Earlier during the day, Vishnu Vishal had shared that he was stuck in his house in Chennai with no electricity and network and water has entered his house. The actor took to X and shared photos and wrote, “Water is entering my house and the level is rising badly in Karapakkam. I have called for help. No electricity, no wifi, No phone signal, Nothing. Only on terrace at a particular point i get some signal. Lets hope i and so many here get some help❤️ I can feel for people all over chennai.”

Aamir Khan relocated to Chennai recently for a couple of months to be with her ailing mother Zeenat Hussain. His mother, who reportedly suffered a heart attack last year in October, is currently getting treatment at a private medical facility in Chennai.