New Delhi: Boney Kapoor recently opened up about his relationship with his late wife Sridevi, admitting that he felt bad about falling in love with her when he was still Mona Shourie's husband. The producer said in a recent interview that he was "extremely honest" with his first wife about his feelings for Sridevi. He also described his mother's response when she realised how much he cared for the late star.
Boney Kapoor's feelings for Sridevi
“My mother could see (my feelings for Sridevi). On the day of Raksha Bandhan, she gave a thaali (puja plate) with Rakhi to Sridevi and asked her to tie me a rakhi (laughs). Sridevi just went to the room and I told her, ‘Don’t worry, don’t bother, keep this thaali here.’ She didn’t understand what the rakhi was all about.” Boney Kapoor, recalled an instance, in an interview with Zoom TV.
“My love for Sridevi was there. I wooed for almost five to six years before I reached the peak or rather I got to know I am in a good space with her.” Kapoor added.
About being honest with Mona about feelings for Sridevi
Boney claims that despite being married, he was open and honest with Mona about his feelings for Sridevi.
“I do feel guilty but I was very honest with my wife, Arjun’s mother, Mona. She very well knew what my feelings were for Sridevi. In fact, Sridevi had stayed in the house much before we got married. I went out of my way for a lot of things where she is concerned. So (Mona) could see it,” he added in the same interaction.
Boney wed Sridevi in the same year that he and Mona parted. Bonwy Kapoor and Mona were married from 1983 to 1996. Boney and Mona Kapoor are parents to two children, Arjun and Anshula Kapoor. Meanwhile, Boney Kapoor had two daughters with Sridevi: Janhvi Kapoor in 1997 and Khushi Kapoor in 2000.