New Delhi: The TV reality programme 'Bigg Boss season 17' is already a hot topic despite having premiered just a week ago. Salman Khan introduced Mannara Chopra as the first housemate on 'Bigg Boss 17' during the launch. For those who don't know, Mannara Chopra is related to the famous Chopra sisters, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Parineeti Chopra. Now, Priyanka Chopra sent a message to her cousin Mannara Chopra while she is in the BB house.
On Friday, Priyanka Chopra posted an old photo of herself and her cousin Mannara on her Instagram stories. The young Mannara can be seen in this photo with ‘Quantico’ star Priyanka Chopra. The photo was taken during the Miss World 2000 competition. Priyanka wears a crown and a white gown, and she is very stunning. On the other hand, Mannara is wearing an all-black ensemble.
Priyanka posted the sweet photo to encourage and wish her cousin well during her time on ‘Bigg Boss 17’. The actress captioned the picture, “Throwback to little @memannara Good Luck little one.”
Check out the sweet post here:
In the last episode, Mannara Chopra experienced an anxiety attack and had an emotional breakdown. She said the other contenders had harassed her with questions about her family, leaving her feeling helpless and overwhelmed.
The new season of Salman Khan-hosted show premiered on October 15.
The contestants of 'Bigg Boss 17' are exes Abhishek Kumar and Isha Malviya, Rinku Dhawan, Arun Mashettey, Sunny Arya, Firoza Khan (popularly known as Khanzaadi), Soniya Bansal, Jigna Vora, Sana Raees Khan, Anurag Dobhal, Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, Navid Sole, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma and Mannara Chopra.
Abhishek Kumar, Navid Sole, and Mannara Chopra were nominated for eviction in the season's first round of nominations. There are three houses in this season's Bigg Boss, each representing a different personality trait: Dil (Heart), Dimaag (Mind), and Dum (Strength).