New Delhi: It is a known fact in Hindi cinema that the screenwriting duo Salim Khan-Javed Akhtar had no parallel. The veteran writer-lyricist duo gave Bollywood some of its iconic films like 'Deewar', 'Sholay', 'Trishul' and 'Don'. However, in the 80s their partnership almost collapsed. Recently, in an interview, Salim Khan's son Arbaaz Khan opened up about their equation, revealing that the two have developed an even stronger bond now and talk regularly over phone calls,
In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Arbaaz recalled the collapse of Salim Javed partnership and said, " Today they are in a very good space. We, as kids, would never have thought that Javed saab and dad would sit across each other and make a conversation. That day, dad wasn't well and Javed saab called me and asked me to give his updates. he even asked me to give him a date when he can come home and meet dad"
Arbaaz added, “Javed saab came home and met him and spent two hours with him. It all seems so wonderful. Time is a great healer. People change, people forget and forgive, and they move on, And they make such stronger bonds. They communicate very often now. They speak over the phone very often and more so because dad is a little older than Javed saab so Javed saab keeps asking about dad's wellbeing. Dad is much better now."
Arbaaz Khan emphasised in the same interaction that despite the professional separation between Salim-Javed, their families have always been cordial to each other. "Whenever the kids have met, or we've met Javed saab, we've always been very cordial and we've always been very nice to each other. There has never been any animosity or any anger or trying to prove something to the other. And time is a great healer."