Anurag Kashyap's directorial debut, Paanch, will finally be released in theatres. The film, which was initially made in 2003, had faced delays due to objections from the Central Board of Film Certification. However, one of the film's producers, Tutu Sharma, confirmed that Paanch is set for a theatrical release within the next six months.
Sharma also mentioned that the film's negatives had slightly deteriorated over time, but the restoration process is already underway. He stated, "Paanch will definitely be released next year. We plan to release it in cinemas within six months. The film was banned, and its negatives have suffered some deterioration, but the restoration work has started. Once it’s ready, we’ll release it," as reported by Bollywood Hungama.
He further explained, “The issues with the Central Board of Film Certification have been resolved, but the film faced additional challenges, which is why it remained unreleased for so long. With the current trend of reruns, Paanch has a lot of potential. There's a growing audience for films like this, and it's encouraging to see the interest.”
About Paanch
The film stars Kay Kay Menon, Aditya Srivastava, Vijay Maurya, Joy Fernandes, Vijay Raaz, Abhinav Kashyap, and Tejaswini Kohlapure.
Tutu Sharma also praised both Anurag Kashyap's direction and the performances of the actors. "Not just Kay Kay Menon, but even Tejaswini Kohlapure is outstanding in the film. In my opinion, this is Anurag Kashyap's best film to date, and many people share this view. Once you see it, I’m sure you’ll agree," he added.
Paanch is based on the real-life 1976-77 Joshi-Abhyankar serial murders in Pune. Although it was never released, Anurag Kashyap went on to make critically acclaimed films such as Dev D, Gangs of Wasseypur, Black Friday, and Raman Raghav 2.0.