New Delhi: Anupam Kher visited Ayodhya for the first time in his life. The actor's pictures from the Ayodhya visit have begun doing the rounds on social media. In an interaction with news agency ANI, Anupam Kher shared his reasons behind visiting Hanuman Garhi. Sharing that he will be announcing a new program soon, he told ANI, "Last year I took the decision to visit different religious places to offer my prayers. The second decision is to go to border areas of the country. We have prepared a program, which we will announce here. It is about Lord Hanuman temples, and therefore it was important to come to Hanuman Garhi."

On Friday, Anupam Kher also shared a picture of himself on Instagram from Ayodhya and wrote, "Loved ones! With the blessings of Lord Rama, I have been lucky to come to Ayodhya for the first time in my life. See you at 8 pm in the famous Hanuman Gadhi! Hail Lord Rama! Hail Lord Bajrang!”


On Thursday, the 'Kashmir Files' actor posted a picture of him with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. 

Sharing the picture, he added an update, "BEFORE THE LAUNCH: Going to Ayodhya tomorrow. For an auspicious cause! Before going there, today met Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Hon. @myogi_adityanath ji at his residence with Jagat Guru Swami Ragvacharya Ji Maharaj and @priyagupta999 Mr. Yogi! Meeting you gives energy! Thank you very much for your good wishes. Hail Lord Bajrang! 🙏🕉😍 #ChiefMinister #Humbled."


On the work front, Anupam Kher was most recently seen in the web-series adapted from a real-life incident documented in a book. The show led by Mohit Raina titled 'Freelancer' was released on Disney+Hotstar.

The veteran will also be seen in the Telugu drama, ‘Tiger Nageswara Rao’.

Anupam Kher will next be seen in 'Calorie', a film directed by Canadian filmmaker Eisha Marjara.