New Delhi: For the past few days, there has been a lot of speculation about Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy. Rumour has it that the actor is pregnant with her second child with husband Virat Kohli. Now a photo posted by the actor on Instagram has fuelled the speculations.
In a brand promotion post, the ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actress posted a picture of her first pregnancy alongside another photo. Sharing the pictures she wrote: “Time flies… And it was time for that much-needed upgrade, so why settle when you can upgrade.”
The actor was promoting a mobile brand in the post.
In the picture, she is seen wearing a black outfit and flaunting her belly while sitting with a phone in hand and smiling.
Last month a report in Hindustan Times stated that Virat and Anushka are expecting their second baby and she is possibly in her second trimester.
“Anushka is expecting her second baby. Like the last time, they will formally share the news with the world at a later stage,” Hindustan Times quoted its source as saying.
Hindustan Times also reported that the couple was spotted at a maternity clinic in Mumbai. “They requested the paparazzi to not publish their pictures, with a promise to make an announcement soon,” the source told Hindustan Times.
Anushka and Virat got married in December 2017 and have a daughter, Vamika, who was born in January 2021.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anushka will be soon seen in ‘Chakda 'Xpress’, based on the life of the Indian pacer Jhulan Goswami. Anushka will be essaying the role of Jhulan in the film that will mark her return to the films after five years. The film will release on Netflix.