New Delhi: Sidharth Malhotra's ramp walk with model Alicia Kaur has been going viral on social media. Among the apology comments, many Sidharth Malhotra fans thought that the actor looked 'uncomfortable' during the fashion show as the model got too close to him during their ramp walk together. Some also wanted to know his wife and actor Kiara Advani's reaction about their viral video from the walk that has been going viral from Shantanu and Nikhil's fashion show since Friday.
Sidharth Malhotra shares video montage
Meanwhile, Sidharth shared a video montage of the fashion show which included several highlights from the show. The video included him meeting veteran actor Zeenat Aman, actor-singer Saba Azad who gave a live performance with Imaad Shah at the show.
Sidharth's video montage also included model Alicia Kaur, whose clip with Malhotra from the ramp walk has been grabbing eyeballs since Friday.
Sidharth Malhotra shared the video of his time at the fashion show which he captioned, "Fun times! Bringing the 70s retro flair back with @shantanunikhil x @greygoosevlvexperiences."
Soon after he shared the video, fans flooded the comments section with heart and fire emojis.
Meanwhile, on Friday, Alicia Kaur dressed in a shimmery silver gown was seen walking the ramp with Sidharth Malhotra and pulling the actor close to her while also looking into his eyes for a long time as they posed together on stage.
A video from this moment began doing the rounds on social media. Many fans wanted to know Kiara Advani's reaction. A user commented, "If I were his wife, I would be filled with jealousy," another said, "Where are you Kiara?"
Alicia Kaur apologises to Kiara Advani
With all of these social media recations on their ramp walk, Alicia shared an apology in good humour to Kiara through her Instagram Stories on Saturday. She shared a picture showing her holding Sidharth close, and wrote, "Sorry Kiara".