Alia Bhatt has carved a niche for herself in Bollywood and is an indomitable force in the industry. Mahesh Bhatt's daughter and actress has proven herself time and again despite charges of nepotism and access to opportunities. Recently, actor Ram Kapoor spoke about Alia's acting prowess and stardom. The veteran actor shared that Alia Bhatt has the potential to become like Deepika Padukone.
He recalled her debut days and said that many people dismissed her and felt that Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra had a better shot at success during their debut film 'Student of the Year'.
In his interaction with Siddharth Kannan, Kapoor said, "She is Alia Bhatt today, married to a Kapoor. If she goes the way she is going now, she will be Deepika. She is not a bloody star child. She is more professional than anyone, I have seen it. In today’s time, if you are not like that, the industry says bye."
Ram Kapoor on Alia Bhatt
“She is so professional. I know ad filmmakers who have done ads with her. Do you know that on sets, she calls every single director ‘Sir’, even if he is younger than her," he added.
“Everyone was so young. The industry is so hard that everybody was looking at her with doubt. Alia was the youngest. At that point, if you told anyone that Alia would achieve what she has achieved today, nobody would believe, he recalled.
She was a small little baby, literally. She still had baby cheeks. She is not the Alia of today. For Varun and Siddharth, people thought that maybe they have a chance, but Alia was such a baby. Looking at what she has achieved today, hats off!" he added.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia Bhatt will next be seen in 'Alpha'. The film has been directed by Shiv Rawail, who also directed the series 'The Railway Men'. Alia will star alongside Sharvari and Anil Kapoor in the film.