Ekta Kapoor and Ram Kapoor have collaborated on the popular TV show 'Bade Ache Lagte Hai'. Recently, Ekta Kapoor took to her official Instagram page to correct people spreading misinformation about her shows. The TV show producer did not name anyone, but called out 'unprofessional actors' for giving 'skewed stories'. Many eagle-eyed fans assume that Ekta's indirect dig is targeted at Ram Kapoor who she has asked to 'shut up' and maintain some dignity. 

“Unprofessional actors giving interviews about my shows shud shut up! False information N skewed stories. Can only last till. I talk’…… but there is dignity in silence," she wrote on her Instagram story.

Ekta's remark seems to come at a time when Ram Kapoor spoke about his iconic show 'Bade Achhe Lagte Hai', which was produced by Ekta Kapoor. Ram spoke about his on-screen kiss with Sakshi Tanwar and how it received immense backlash from viewers. He mentioned that Ekta decided to go ahead with the bold scene even when he had expressed his reservations about the same. 

Mera kaam as an actor is to do my job. I don’t owe an explanation to anybody… Mera kaam hai script ko follow karo… Main kaise bol sakta hu ki ye main nahi kar sakta, tab main actor nahi hu…so I did nothing wrong,"Ram told Siddharth Kannan.

“Ekta’s the one who wrote the scene, wanted us to do the scene… I told Ekta, ‘Are you sure? Ye television mein pehle kabhi hua nahi hai, it was the first kiss of television, which is a big thing. And three generations watch (the show) together… but Ekta was very confident ki wo karna hai…. I said, okay, I’ll first get a go-ahead from my wife… Fir maine Sakshi ko bola ki look, I will handle Ekta, if you have a problem, tell me," he added.

About the show

'Bade Achhe Lagte Hai' began in 2011. The show starred Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar as Ram and Priya respectively. The lead actors' chemistry was loved by all and the show became a hit.