Nimrat Kaur has recently found herself in the spotlight amid rumors of an alleged affair with Abhishek Bachchan. Reportedly, the actor could be connected to the marital issues between Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek. Amid these rumors, an old interview has resurfaced, featuring Abhishek as he discussed his 15-year marriage with Aishwarya. In the interview, he was joined by his 'Dasvi' co-star Nimrat Kaur for a conversation with Bollywood Hungama. Now, the interviewer, Faridoon Shahryar has shared the real context behind the conversation.

Interviewer shares real reason behind Nimrat Kaur’s viral marriage comment

In the interview, Nimrat Kaur and Abhishek Bachchan talked about marriage. When the interviewer mentioned the timeline of his work experience, Nimrat humorously remarked, "Marriages don’t last that long." Abhishek chuckled at her comment, replying playfully, "Thanks."

After a short clip from the interview went viral, Faridoon took to Instagram on Friday to explain the conversation he had with the actors. He wrote, "The viral clip featuring @bachchan and @nimratofficial is being presented in a WRONG Context. Abhishek asked me, "how many years have u been working at Bollywood Hungama." To which I replied that, "I have been working at Bollywood Hungama for the last 15 years." Nimrat said, "even marriages don't last that long." One publication picked up the clip and all the other publications are writing verbatim...The context of what happened and the way it's being presented is wrong!"

ALSO READ: Abhishek Bachchan Buys 10 Flats With Amitabh Bachchan Amid Divorce Rumors With Aishwarya Rai

Abhishek lauds his wife Aishwarya Rai

In the same interview, Abhishek praised his wife Aishwarya and said, “My wife is exceptional at that. She’s always been an amazing emotional support for me. I’ve been very lucky, my entire family has been. The wonderful thing about having a life partner like  Aishwarya is that she is from the business. She gets it. She has been doing it slightly longer than I have. So, she knows the world. She has been through it all. So, it’s nice when you come home and if you’ve had a challenging day, you know that there’s somebody who gets it.”

About Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai

Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai have recently made headlines, particularly after attending Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding separately, sparking speculation about their marriage. They tied the knot in 2007. The couple welcomed their daughter, Aaradhya, a few years later.