Ex Bigg Boss contestant and TV actor Vishal Karwal has become a proud father to a baby girl. The actor had tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend, Heena Suri in October 2020, and the couple was expecting their first child and the baby was due in January, reports etimes. 

Vishal and Heena, who have known each other for more than two decades, got married in the presence of close friends and family members. The wedding took place in his hometown.

Earlier in an interview with etimes, Vishal had shared his feelings about becoming a father, “I am very excited and looking forward to embracing fatherhood. I don’t know how prepared I am for the new responsibility. I will know that when it happens. All I can say is that I am good with children. I have two nieces and love them to bits. I love spending time with kids and hence, am excited about becoming a father myself. I’m sure it will be quite an eventful journey ahead.”

On the work front, Vishal Karwal was the winner of the first season of MTV Splitsvilla. He also acted in shows such as Bhagyavidhata, Rishton Se Badi...Pratha and Dwarkadheesh – Bhagwaan Shree Krishn. In 2016, he made his Bollywood debut with 1920 London.

Vishal has taken break from television for quite some time now.

In an earlier interview was quoted as saying, "I keep getting offers for TV shows. I haven’t taken up anything, as I am being offered similar characters. I have been part of several mythological shows and the offers coming my way are from the same genre. That’s why I am taking my time to come back to TV. I have a couple of projects lined up and will start shooting from next month. I can talk about those projects only when I start shooting.”