New Delhi: Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap joined the social media trend of 'shitposting' and took it way too seriously. The director shared pictures of the location that most people wouldn't expect while recently staying at the Hôtel Particulier Montmartre in Paris. 

On Instagram, Kashyap shared a series of photos taken inside his hotel's restroom, where signs boasted that celebrities like Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz, and former French president Jacques Chirac had all "peed" there.

“It was pleasure peeing in the same toilet as @bradpittofflcial @camerondiaz and #JacquesChirac at @hotelparticuliermontmartre,” Anurag Kashyap wrote on his post. 

As might be expected, several Instagram users thought the photo was hilarious and commented that the next placard should read "AK pissed here."

Anurag Kashyap has been roped in by director Karthik K to play the lead part in his upcoming film, which would retrace Vijay Mallya's journey on the big screen.

Suniel Shetty is said to have recently joined the cast. Kashyap will get a major makeover for this movie, reportedly titled 'File No. 323', in order to play the alleged economic culprit. And Suniel Shetty has been brought on to play the pivotal part of his chartered accountant in the film. In addition to Vijay Mallya's financial frauds, Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi's financial crimes would also be the focus of 'File No. 323'. It has been announced that Suniel Shetty would start filming for this movie on November 21.

Meanwhile, the thriller 'Dobaaraa', featuring Taapsee Pannu in the title role, was the director's most recent film. Along with Pannu, the movie also starred Saswata Chatterjee, Pavail Gulati, Nassr, and Rahul Bhat. It was an official remake of the Spanish film 'Mirage'.