New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who got injured on the sets of his upcoming film 'Project K' in Hyderabad, shared his health update on Tuesday. The veteran actor expressed gratitude to his fans who had showered their support and wishes. 

“First .. to all that send their concern on my injury, may I express my gratitude and love for your prayers .. I am overwhelmed by the attention you give me and am so grateful to the family Ef for this embrace .. 

I progress gradually .. it shall take time .. and what has been prescribed by the doctors is being followed diligently .. rest and strapped chest .. all work has stopped and will only begin once the condition improves and the medical gives an assurance ..  

But my immense gratitude to all .. ❤️” 

Big B also wrote about Holika celebrations at his house Jalsa. “The ‘holika’ was lit last night at Jalsa, there being a date confusion on the day for HOLI .. it is now done  

HOLI being celebrated today .. and tomorrow .. so in this confusion much of what could have been done was not done .. 

I rest and repair ..  

But my wishes for the celebration of this joyous festival is with you .. may the colours of HOLI bring the multifaceted colours of life in your life .. " 

The actor had informed his fans on Monday about his injury on his rib cartilage and a muscle tear. He said that he is currently recuperating at home. 

"In Hyderabad at the shoot for Project K, during an action shot, I have got injured .. rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage .. canceled shoot .. did Doctor consult and scan by CT at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home .. strapping has been done and rest been advocated .. yes painful .. on movement and breathing .. will take some weeks they say before some normalisation will occur .. some medication is on also for pain ..  
So all work that was to be done has been suspended and canceled dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs .. 
I rest at Jalsa and am mobile a bit for all the essential activities .. but yes in rest and generally lying around .. 
It shall be difficult or let me say .. I shall be unable to meet, the well wishers at Jalsa Gate this evening .. so do not come .. and do inform as much as you can to those that intend coming .. All else is well ..,” he earlier wrote on his blog.