Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday said some people are trying to create caste and religious riots in the state to bring down DMK government and divide Tamil Nadu. In order to stop this, Stalin said that all secular leaders across India should come together to defeat BJP.

On Tuesday, MK Stalin said, "Today there are many people across India including leaders who applaud us. Even the foreigners, NRI Tamils and foreign organisations wish us good. However, at the same time, the separatist forces who function with the intention to divide the country are trying to defame the Dravidian model of government."

"They are trying to create caste and religious riots in the state. They are planning to create such riots to remove the DMK government and divide Tamil Nadu,” he said.

Yet, the CM said that there was no need to reply to unnecessary allegations.

Stalin said: “We have formed Secular Progressive Alliance and have won several elections so we will continue the victory path. However, if we want to save the country, all secular leaders should come together to bring down the BJP government.” 

TN CM also urged the leaders to not see any prestige issues and instead work together. He said, “If you all follow this, I can not only save Tamil Nadu but the whole India.”

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Tamil Nadu CM Stalin gave the speech after inaugurating a statue of Kalaignar Karunanidhi at Nagercoil. He also requested the party members to accept the ideology proposed by the stalwarts Anna and Karunanidhi and work accordingly.

Earlier, CM Stalin visited North Indian workers employed at the latex unit to urge them to not believe in rumours regarding 'attack on North Indians'.