New Delhi: As the process of electioneering for Lok Sabha elections 2019 has reached its concluding stage, political rivals have escalated attacks and charges against each other. In her latest attack, BSP Supremo Mayawati on Friday targeted the Election Commission and accused it of inaction in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s constituency Varanasi which will go to polls in the last phase on Sunday.

Mayawati alleged that Election Commission maintains a strict vigil in West Bengal but apparently has a laidback approach in the case of the Prime Minister’s turf.

She alleged that outsiders were luring and threatening voters in Varanasi, which is one of the most crucial seats this time. Maywati said that how can one expect free and fair elections in such an atmosphere. She called on the poll body to take action and asked “why is EC not focusing on Varanasi like it does in West Bengal”?

Mayawati has been vocally critical of the Prime Minister during her campaign. PM Modi too hit put at Mayawati during a poll speech over the alleged Alwar gang-rape case in Rajasthan and asked why is she not withdrawing support from Congress government in the state.

“In a bid to make PM Modi win from Varanasi at any cost, outsiders are visiting home to home, threatening and luring people. How can one expect elections to be free and fair there? Why isn’t the EC focusing on Varanasi like it does in West Bengal?"Mayawati tweeted.