The oath-taking ceremony for Odisha's new CM will be held at 6 pm on Monday, June 10. The ceremony will be held at the Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar. The BJP's legislature party meeting will be held in the capital on Monday at 10 AM ahead of the swearing-in ceremony. However, the BJP is yet to finalise its CM candidate and the question lingers — "who will be Odisha's new CM".

BJP swept the Odisha Assembly elections, winning 78 of the total 147 seats, bringing an end to Naveen Patnaik's 24-year regime. In the Lok Sabha polls, too, the BJP decimated the Opposition in Odisha as Naveen Patnaik's BJD drew a blank. The BJP won 21 seats as the Congress managed to send one Lok Sabha MP from Odisha.

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The BJP's 78-member legislature party is likely to convene a meeting on Saturday to announce the name of the new Chief Minister, the first-ever from the saffron party. Several names of CM probable are doing the rounds. Among them are those of Union minister Dharmendra Pradhan, MLAs Suresh Pujari, Jual Oram, and former CAG Girish Chandra Murmu.

The BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi during its poll campaigns had promised that the new chief minister would be a 'bhoomiputra' (son of the soil). Governor Raghubar Das will administer the oath of office to the new Chief Minister. Narendra Modi, who will be sworn in as the Prime Minister on Sunday, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah are likely to attend the ceremony. There is, however, no clarity on the new Odisha Cabinet.

READ ON ABPLIVE | Who Will Succeed Naveen Patnaik? With Odisha Assembly Polls Done And Dusted, Race To CM's Chair Heats Up