Former AIADMK Minister Sellur K Raju launched a scathing attack ahead of the run-up to 2024 Lok Sabha elections challenging Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin's assertion of winning all 40 constituencies and BJP's growth in Tamil Nadu. Raju asserted that the ground reality is vastly different from Stalin's claims. He accused Prime Minister Modi of making empty promises and cited disparity in tax allocation. Criticizing both the DMK and BJP, Raju lauded the late TN CM J. Jayalalithaa's efforts in securing funds. He also said that only 'lunatics' would say that BJP grew in Tamil Nadu.
According to ANI, Sellur K Raju said, "Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin says that he will win all 40 constituencies in the coming parliamentary elections, but he does not know the ground situation. We must explain the situation to him. The two parties( DMK and BJP) are ruling against the people, so they should be kicked out of this election."
"PM Modi is always talking sweetly but will do nothing for Tamil Nadu. If the union government collects 1 rupee tax from us, then they give back only 29 Paisa. As long as former TN CM J. Jayalalithaa was in power, she continued to fight and get the funds...We should not believe that BJP is showing growth on social media. Only lunatics will say that the BJP grew in Tamil Nadu. BJP growth in Tamil Nadu is a mirage. BJP looks like a pond, but there is nothing in it," he said.
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