In an unexpected move amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, Rupali Ganguly, who garnered massive fame for her television serial Anupamaa, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday at the party headquarters in Delhi. This comes in just days ahead of the third phase of the lok sabha polls scheduled to be held on May 7.
After joining BJP she said: "...When I see this 'Mahayagya' of development, I feel that I should also take part in this...I need your blessings and support so that whatever I do, I do it right and good.''
She said "I am here to walk on the path led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and serve the nation by receiving guidance from Union Home Minister Amit Shah and do something to make the BJP proud."
Ganguly, who is said to be one of the most popular television actor, recently spoke about how she prepared for her role for Anuapamaa, disclosing that she was inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and received significant assistance from him, Times of India reported.
In the show she needed to have a Gujarati accent, which she claims she learned from PM Modi's accent and her Gujarati neighbour.
The actor spoke about how she picked up specific terms from the PM's speeches which he said in Hindi, but with a strong Gujarati accent.
Rupali Ganguly had also met PM Modi at the Content Creators Award and served on the jury.