Bhopal:  Congress and Bharatiya Janta Party are at loggerheads over RSS Shakha in poll bound Madhya Pradesh. This comes after Congress has mentioned ban on government officers to RSS’ Shakhas, and a ban on holding Shakhas in government offices; as this has left CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan fuming.
Shivraj, who had gone to campaign in Barwaha municipality; slammed Congress over this and said “No one can stop government officers from participating in Sangh’s Shakhas”.

He said that “Nehru’s Congress couldn’t put a ban on RSS, and today’s Congress is not capable enough to put a ban on RSS.” “RSS is a shakha of nationalists, where nation building and discipline is taught. Now, Shakhas will be held in government offices as well where government officers will also participate. No one can put a ban on it. I dare Congress to put a ban.”

On the other hand, Congress’ prospected CM in waiting; Scindia said that the idea of putting a ban on Shakhas in government offices is old. “It is a rule that no government officer can be associated with any political group. Don’t include religion in politics and don’t bring politics in religion”.