After the saffron party presented its much-anticipated manifesto for Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections on Saturday, the Congress accused the ruling BJP of plagiarising its electoral pledges. In a post on X (previously Twitter), the state Congress head lashed out the BJP, and stated: “Has BJP issued a ‘Sankalp Patra’ or a ‘Nakal Patra’? Is this BJP or a copy party? They stole all the announcements of Congress.” 

The former chief minister Kamal Nath then went on to outline some of the announcements made by both parties. While the Congress has promised Rs 1.01 lakh under the Kanya Vivah Yojana, the state's Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led BJP administration has promised Rs 1 lakh. Similarly, the great old party has promised free education for all children up to the 12th grade if it wins the state election, while the BJP has promised free education for girls and the underprivileged.  

Nath also asked incumbent Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan five questions. He inquired: 

  • What are you doing when Congress waives farmer loans?

  • What are you doing while the Congress fills 2 lakh empty positions?

  • What are you doing when Congress waives bills for 100 units of power and cuts costs in half for 200 units?

  • What would you do if Congress reinstates the previous pension programme for employees?

  • Congress provides a 27 percent reservation to OBCs; what do you provide?

Terming BJP's MP manifesto as "jumlapatra," Supriya Shrinate stated: "BJP's fraud exposed. BJP has removed the promise of giving ₹ 3000 to the beloved sisters from its resolution letter. ₹ BJP also turned its back on the talk of providing LPG at Rs 450, now it is saying that we will make LPG cheaper. Shivraj ji, With your own hands you stopped the Laadli Behna scheme based on lies?"

On saffron party's MP manifesto, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh stated "BJP never fulfills poll promises," PTI reported.