In the upcoming Tamil Nadu Lok Sabha election, amidst the prominence of symbols like the Rising Sun and Two Leaves, several heavyweight contenders are set to contest in independent symbols. Former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, O. Pannerselvam, is set to contest independently with a distinct symbol in the Ramanathapuram constituency. Similarly, Durai Vaiko, the Secretary of MDMK, will also be contesting independently with his own symbol in Trichy constituency.

Similarly, Naam Thamizhar Katchi (NTK), which initially attempted to secure the Sugarcane farmer as its symbol but failed, is now competing with the microphone symbol across all constituencies in Tamil Nadu.

According to Naam Tamilar Party coordinator Seeman, the microphone symbol instills hope for their party. It's noteworthy that NTK is contesting outside the primary alliances in the state.

"Even though we didn't get our sugarcane famer symbol, we are contesting with hope in the Mic symbol. Many revolutionaries used this equipment to put forth their slogans, NTK leader Seeman said, as per a report on ANI.

TTV Dhinakaran's Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam (AMMK) will participate in the elections under the Pressure Cooker symbol. This symbol holds significance as Dinakaran secured victory in the RK Nagar by-poll after the demise of former Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalitha, amidst intense political upheaval in the state.

It may be noted that Dhinakaran is contesting the elections in alliance with BJP. 

Ousted AIADMK leader O. Pannerselvam, who is contesting the election as an independent candidate, aims to demonstrate his backing from AIADMK members. Ramanathapuram candidate O Panneerselvam said, "I am contesting the election as an independent candidate. So, I have asked the Election Commission to allot me the jackfruit, grapes and bucket symbol."