Former Karnataka Chief Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) chief HD Kumaraswamy said on Sunday that the issue of seat sharing with the Bharatiya Janata Party will be solved smoothly. Kumaraswamy slammed the Congress government in the state and said that the aim is to defeat the grand old party as everybody is watching how the current government is running.

“All these things (referring to seat-sharing arrangement) will be resolved smoothly. Our aim is to defeat the Congress in the future election (2024 Lok Sabha polls)," Kumaraswamy said.

"Everybody is watching how the present state government is running," he also said.

Earlier, HD Kumaraswamy termed as “personal reaction” remarks of BS Yediyurappa about Janata Dal (Secular) fighting about four seats in the Lok Sabha elections next year in alliance with BJP and said there has been no discussion so far between the two parties on seat sharing.

Kumaraswamy, however, said there have been alliance talks between the two parties and that “people need it because Congress is looting the state”.

"Yediyurappa's yesterday reaction is his personal reaction. Until now, there has been no discussion on seat sharing or anything. We have met cordially two or three times. Later on, let us see what is going to happen,” Kumaraswamy told ANI. “We are coming together and having a discussion to go before the people... People need it because Congress is looting the state. People need alternatives... I joined hands with the BJP in 2006. My goodwill was created because of my 20 months of administration,” the JD(S) leader added.

He said people are watching all the developments. He also hit back at Congress over remarks of some of its leaders and said the ruling party in Karnataka is "internally shaking about future political developments". Senior BJP leader Yediyurappa, a former Karnataka Chief Minister, had claimed on Friday that  Janata Dal (Secular) had tied up with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and that the regional party will contest about four seats.

"I am happy that Deve Gowdaji met our Prime Minister and they have already finalised about 4 seats. I welcome them," Yediyurappa told reporters in Bengaluru. The ruling Congress in Karnataka had slammed both the BJP and JD-S following Yediyurappa’s remarks.   
 Congress MLC Jagdish Shettar said people reject alliances based on convenience.

"It is up to the JD(S) and the BJP to form an alliance in the Lok Sabha elections. They made an alliance before the assembly elections also, then it broke. Now they are talking about alliance again. You lose the trust of people after forming alliances based on your convenience. Along with this, the credibility of the respective parties also goes," he said.