In Kasaragod, Kerala's northernmost Lok Sabha constituency known as the 'Land of Seven Languages,' a lively scene unfolds as Ashwini ML, a young woman, interacts with voters in multiple languages. Ashwini, a 38-year-old teacher, is fielded by the BJP and seamlessly switches between Malayalam, Kannada, and Tulu, resonating with Kasaragod's diverse linguistic fabric, which also includes Marathi, Konkani, Byari, and Urdu.

According to a PTI report, Ashwini's unexpected candidature for the April 26 Lok Sabha elections has sparked interest, with her linguistic prowess setting her apart in the political landscape.

Ashwini's Unexpected Candidature: 

Contesting against incumbent MP Unnithan and CPI(M)'s M V Balakrishnan Master, Ashwini believes her linguistic versatility will enhance voter outreach, particularly among linguistic minorities, as per the PTI report.

Born and raised in Karnataka, Ashwini's exposure to multiple languages began in childhood, growing up among Tamil and Hindi-speaking neighbours.

While fluent in Tamil, Hindi, and English besides her native Malayalam, Kannada, and Tulu, Ashwini's linguistic journey is deeply rooted in her upbringing in Bengaluru, where her parents settled decades ago before her relocation to Kasaragod post-marriage.

Reflecting on her linguistic repertoire, Ashwini emphasised its role in fostering connections with voters, particularly the elderly and women, as reported by PTI.

Her foray into politics, spurred by her teaching career and subsequent involvement in the party, underscores her dedication to public service. Travelling extensively for organisational and electoral duties, Ashwini is optimistic about BJP's electoral prospects in the constituency, banking on support from women and youth.

Kasaragod - Land Of Seven Languages

Kasaragod, bordering Karnataka, boasts linguistic diversity, as evidenced by the 2011 census, with 82.07% Malayalam speakers, 4.02% Kannada speakers, 8.08% Tulu speakers, and smaller percentages conversing in Marathi, Urdu, and Konkani.

Despite initial speculation surrounding senior party leaders, Ashwini emerged as the BJP candidate in a constituency historically dominated by the Left.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, a shifting political climate saw Congress's Rajmohan Unnithan triumph over CPI(M)'s Sathish Chandran by a significant margin. The BJP's nominee, Ravisha Tantri Kuntar, secured a lesser vote count.