BJP Manifesto 2019: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday promised overall development of women in India and pledged to give women's security more priority in its election manifesto named 'Sankalp Patra'. Ahead of Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today released the BJP's manifesto in the presence of senior party leaders, including president Amit Shah who said the document of resolution makes 75 pledges and promises to fulfil all expectations of the people. The party has promised to take substantive measures for the development of women and hoped to modernize personal laws to boost gender equality. Here's what Narendra Modi-led BJP has announced in its manifesto to boost women participation and development in the country:

Women-led Development


• BJP promises to provide accessible and affordable quality education to all women.
• BJP will ensure that ample financial support is available to girls through out their education and subsidised education loans are provided for higher education.

Access to basic resources

• BJP promises to ensure financial empowerment among women in rural and semi-rural areas and create better employment opportunities for them
• To ensure access to credit and other resources, capacity building, market and distribution network for women entrepreneurs, SHGs and women farmers

Women in Workforce

• BJP promises to formulate a comprehensive ‘Women in Workforce’ roadmap focused on dramatically increasing the female workforce participation rate over the next 5 years
• BJP will also encourage industries and corporates to generate better employment oppotunities for women

Better work opportunities

• To generate better work opportunities for women, 10% material to be sourced for government procurement will be done from MSMEs having at least 50% women employees in their workforce.

Support for child care

• BJP promises to strengthen the creche programme with special focus on the needs of parents employed in the
unorganized sector to provide crèche and child care facilities by leveraging the existing Anganwadis,
civil society organisations and the private sector.

Ensuring Equal Rights

As per the BJP manisfesto, the party has mentioned, "We have determinedly taken substantive measures to ensure overall development of women and promote gender equality. Continuing our work, we will legislate a bill to prohibit and eliminate practices such as Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala."

Ensuring a Dignified Life for Women

• BJP said it will focus on ensuring good quality, easily accessible and affordable maternal healthcare services for all women.
• Party promises to reduce the malnutrition level by at least 10% in the next 5 years, doubling the rate of reduction of malnourishment.
• BJP said it will ensure that all reproductive and menstrual health services are easily available to all women across India and with the expansion of ongoing Suvidha scheme, sanitary pads at an affordable cost of
just Rs. 1 will be provided to all women and girls.
• Women's security will be given more priority.

Reservation for Women

As per the party manifesto, women's welfare and development will be accorded a high priority at all levels within the government, and the BJP is committed to 33% reservation in parliament and state assemblies through a constitutional amendment.