Union Home Minister Amit Shah mounted a major roadshow on Monday, waving to a large ecstatic crowd along the way as he sought support from the public ahead of the Karnataka Assembly elections scheduled to be held on May 10. People gathered on the sides of the highways and on neighbouring buildings hailed Shah, who was riding in a specially built vehicle with Tumakur Member of Parliament G S Basavaraj and other dignitaries, news agency PTI reported.
A large number of party workers followed Shah's car, brandishing BJP flags and screaming chants honoring the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Former Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa and current Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai have done a lot for Karnataka, he said, adding that the BJP administration has abolished 4% Muslim reservation and boosted Vokkaliga, Lingayat, and SC/ST quotas.
"If Congress comes to power, they will take back all these reservations (hiked) and once again bring in Muslim reservations. Do you want four per cent Muslim reservation? (to come back)", he was quoted by PTI in its report.
Speaking about the steps taken by the BJP government for the benefit of Areca nut farmers, Union Home Minister stated: "If you ensure a double engine government comes to power in Karnataka, Modi ji will once again become Prime Minister in 2024".
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Earlier today, BJP has released its party vision document or the poll manifesto for the May 10 Karnataka elections. The manifesto was released by party president JP Nadda in the presence of Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai and former Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa. Among the poll promises include implementation of Uniform Civil Code in Karnataka and to improve "ease of living" of apartment dwellers by constituting the Karnataka Residents’ Welfare Consultative Committee to reform the Karnataka Apartment Ownership Act, 1972 and to modernise the grievance redressal mechanism.
(With Inputs From Agencies)