Karnataka's Minister for Fisheries and six-time MLA S Angara announced his retirement just a day after the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) denied him a ticket for the upcoming state assembly elections which will take place on May 10. The Minister from Dakshina Kannada's Sullia constituency on Wednesday said that this was not the way to treat an MLA who toiled for the party with such dedication, reported news agency PTI. While talking to reporters, he said, "I am not disgruntled for being denied a ticket by the party. But this is not a way to honour for working for the party and society without any black spot."

He said that BJP should explain what injustice has he done to the party. 

As per Angara, some leaders had conspired in order to ensure that he wouldn't get the ticket for this election. He alleged the party of not valuing honesty, and said, "My honesty became my drawback. I never believed in lobbying, which became a reason for my lagging behind." He said that he had requested the BJP Karnataka chief for one more chance to contest before he retires, the state chief agreed to this but then changed the candidate without any prior information. PTI quoted him as saying, “At least, I could have been consulted before changing the candidate."

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The 58-year-old while retiring from politics said when the party did not have confidence in him then there is no need for him to continue with politics. He then took a jibe at the party and said let it take care of the candidate it has put forth from Sullia.

BJP has nominated Bhagirathi Murulya as its official candidate from the Sullia constituency.