Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a scathing attack on rival Congress and said that the grand-old party has only one work of abusing Lingayats, OBCs and Modi. Addressing a rally in Karnataka's Badami, he said the BJP has come here to make the state number 1, adding that 'your one vote will make Karnataka number 1'. The Prime Minister further said that the strong enthusiasm here shows that there will again be the inception of the 'Double-Engine Govt' in Karnataka, hinting towards BJP's win in the upcoming polls.

"BJP has come up with a road map to make Karnataka, the Number-1 State in the country," he said.

Hitting out at former CM Siddaramaiah, he said, "Although Siddaramaiah has understood that it is futile for him to try your area, but if you ever come across him then ask him that why were people here deprived of the fundamental facilities before. Why wasn't there any development and transformation in their lives?"

The Prime Minister claimed that what BJP has done for the people, could not have even been imagined by the Congress party.

PM Modi further claimed that the entire Karnataka is upset with Congress' diplomacy, saying, "Congress will not leave the old habit of appeasement politics, vote bank politics, closing the schemes of the BJP govt and abusing the Lingayat and OBC community and then if they have nothing to do then abusing PM Modi".

"Before 2014, during the Congress government, 1GB (mobile phone) data cost around Rs 300. In the BJP government, the cost of 1GB data has come down to Rs 10," he said, contrasting the previous grand old party government with the BJP-led administration.

Modi launched a scathing attack on the grand old party, claiming that "the Congress party has a track record of '85% commission', and the people of Karnataka are fighting on behalf of the BJP in the current state election". 

"The diseases that the Congress strengthened during its governance, the BJP is finding permanent solutions to them," PM Modi said.

He also stated that the "never-seen-before love and affection he witnessed in Bengaluru was unparalleled. This morning, I went to Bengaluru to have a 'Darshan' (opportunity to see) of 'Janata Janardhan' (public God). People showered me with 'never-seen-before' love and affection," Modi said at a public meeting in Bagalkote, Karnataka, which votes on May 10.

People stood in every nook and cranny of the road for 25 kilometres from where his convoy passed during the Bengaluru roadshow, according to the PM.

On either side of the road, people with families, differently abled people, and women with newborn children stood.

The PM began his day with a mega 26-km long roadshow in Bengaluru. PM Modi is doing electrifying campaigning for the ruling BJP in the state. Notably, Karnataka will go to polls next week on May 10 while the counting of votes will take place on May 13. The Prime Minister will again hold a roadshow, smaller than the one on Saturday, which will be around 6 km long in Bengaluru on Sunday from Kempegowda Statue, New Tippasandra to Trinity Circle, MG Road. It was earlier planned to be a 10-Km long roadshow but taking the interest of students who will be appearing in the exam on May 7, the distance has been reduced. 

On Sunday, the Prime Minister will also offer prayers at Nanjanagudu Shri Srikanteshwara Swami Temple in Karnataka at around 6 pm.