New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP and Aam Aadmi Party senior leader Raghav Chadha on Tuesday used a dialogue from a Salman Khan movie to campaign for the party in Gujarat's Dhangadhra ahead of the Assembly election due next month. Addressing a public rally, Chadha said that "Arvind Kejriwal ne ek baar guarantee de di phir wo khud ki bhi sunte" (once Arvind Kejriwal guarantees something, then he does not listen to even himself), a spin-off of Salman Khan's dialogue from the movie 'Wanted'. 

This is the second time that Chadha has used a Bollywood movie dialogue in his campaign to praise Kejriwal. Earlier he took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party using dialogue from Amitabh Bachchan’s famous movie Deewar. Alleging that the saffron party uses government agencies like Enforcement Directorate and CBI for its political gain, Chadha said that Kejriwal had the blessings of Lord Krishna and the support of Gujarat’s people. 

“These BJP people make fun of us. They say BJP has everything — ED, CBI, Police, media, money, what do you have? I respond by saying that we have Arvind Kejriwal who has got blessings of Lord Krishna and support of people of Gujarat,” the AAP MP said. 

Elections to the 182-member Gujarat Assembly will take place in two phases on December 1 and 5 and the votes will be counted on December 10 along with Himachal Pradesh. 

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"You have a great opportunity to change a 27-year old corrupt goverment with an honest, well-informed government," Chadha said during the public rally.  

He urged the voters to vote for AAP "to get free mohalla clinics, free medical treatment and medicines, employment to the youths of the state, financial assitance of Rupees 1,000 to the women, 300 units of free electricity every month."