New Delhi: The Congress party will file a complaint against PM Modi after BJP tweeted a video of a girl speaking in favour of the saffron party with the Prime Minister. 

Congress said it will reach out to the National Commission for Protection Of Child Rights (NCPCR) on Tuesday and file the complaint. 

NCPCR has earlier objected to the participation of children in the Bharat Jodo Yatra which Congress termed as not justified. Now, the grand-old party has become aggressive over the video of the girl with PM Modi. 

While Congress is set to file the complain, the All-India Trinamool Congress (AITC) has already filed a complained to the child protection body over the video accusing BJP of using a minor for its election campaign in Gujarat.  

ALSO READ: 'Child Being Used By PM Modi For Gujarat Election Campaign': Congress Asks EC, NCPCR To Take Notice

AITC spokesperson Saket Gokhale took to twitter to mention that he has also filed an RTI in the matter asking whether the NCPCR is aware of the video. He has posted the RTI in the tweet. 

Gokhale further hit out at NCPCR chairperson Priyank Kanoongo and said that he must do his job instead of being a BJP worker. 

The BJP on Tuesday tweeted a video of a girl with PM Modi, speaking about how BJP has done different works across the country.  

Election battle ground for Gujarat is witnessing a three-cornered battle this time with AAP trying to make in-roads in the state. Polling will be held in two phases in the state on December 1 and 5 while counting of votes will be done on December 8. 

(With Inputs From Reporter Jainendra)