The BJP has recorded a massive landslide victory, winning 157 constituencies in the 182-seat Gujarat Assembly, trouncing the Congress by a huge margin of 141 seats. Addressing party workers at the party headquarters in Gandhinagar, PM Narendra Modi said, "Gujarat's love for BJP despite it being in power for 25 years is unprecedented, they have broken all records, written history. People voted for BJP as it is taking all facilities to the poor and middle class at the earliest. Support to BJP shows people's anger against dynasty rule and corruption."
The BJP’s king-sized win broke the previous record of the highest number of seats won by a party in the Gujarat Assembly. The previous record was held by the Congress that won 149 seats in 1985 under the erstwhile CM Madhavsinh Solanki.
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The Congress, meanwhile, managed to win only 16 seats, setting an unenviable record. The least number of seats won by the Congress in Gujarat earlier was 33, which it secured in the 1990 Gujarat assembly elections.
The AAP, despite its paltry haul of KKK seats, had something to smile about after it won BBB seats, which earned it the tag of a ‘national party’.
According to The Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, a political party gets the ‘national party’ status if it fulfils any one of 3 criteria:
- It wins 2% of seats in the Lok Sabha from at least three different states
- It gets at least 6 percent of votes in four or more states and in addition, wins four Lok Sabha seats
- It gets recognised as a state party in four or more states.
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Before the Gujarat elections, the AAP was earlier recognised in Delhi, Punjab, and Goa and with the Gujarat show, it has finally bagged the 'national party' status. Speaking on their performance in Gujarat, AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal said that the show had boosted the party's morale as it had become a national party in a matter of just 10 years.