New Delhi: Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, whose party BJP won 20 of the state assembly's 40 seats, convened a cabinet meeting on Friday, during which a resolution was passed to dissolve the assembly, news agency IANS reported.

According to Sawant, the cabinet also passed a resolution appreciating the people of Goa for their support since Sawant entered office in 2019.

"We had called members of the last cabinet and a resolution was passed to dissolve the Assembly from Monday. It will be sent to the Governor, after which the Assembly will be dissolved and a meeting of fresh legislators would be held," Sawant was quoted by IANS in its report.

"I was a Chief Minister for the last three years and people gave us a chance to work for Goa. Our work towards infrastructure and human development along with other sectors was appreciated by the people," he further said.

New Govt To Be Formed In Goa In Next '2 To 3 Days': Minister Godinho 

Talking to the media after the meeting, Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho said that a new BJP-led government would be in place in Goa in the "next two to three days."

Godinho stated that a choice on the future Chief Minister will be made following meetings with a representative of the BJP's top decision-making body, the central parliamentary board, who will be visiting the state shortly.

"Within two to three days everything will be over. We will have a new government in place," he was quoted by IANS in its report.

He further said that he had no idea when the central BJP official will come to Goa. 

"Central observers will discuss and take a decision and inform us. They will also take our views into consideration over whether a change (in leadership) is required or not. It will be done in two to three days," Godinho said.

While Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, who led the BJP in the recent Assembly elections, is widely seen as the front-runner to retake the helm, numerous other BJP officials, including Godinho and Health Minister Vishwajit Rane, are also being considered, according to party sources.

Godinho, on the other hand, insisted that the BJP was united on the topic of leadership.

"There is consensus. Everybody is united and together," the Minister said.

Goa Election Results 2022

The BJP has won 20 seats with 33.3 per cent vote share, the Congress 11 seats with 23.50 per cent vote share, Goa Forward Party won one seat with 1.84 per cent votes, Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) won two seats with 7.60 per cent vote share and the independents have won three seats.

(With IANS Inputs)