This comes after Mukesh Ambani extended support to Mumbai Congress chief Milind Deora" in his fight against Shiv Sena's Arvind Sawant for South Mumbai parliamentary constituency. Speaking to ABP News at the rally in Bandra-Kurla complex, Anant said: "I am here to support our country and to listen to our Prime Minister that's it."
In a show of strength at his mega rally in the metropolis, Modi claimed that the Congress won't get even 50 seats in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
India’s richest man’s son endorsing PM Modi also comes in the midst of his uncle Anil Ambani being vociferously attacked by Congress president Rahul Gandhi in the electioneering over Rafale deal.
Congressman Deora shared a video in which Mukesh Ambani and Uday Kotak are supporting his candidature. "Milind is the man for South Mumbai." "Having represented South Mumbai for 10 years, I believe, Milind has in-depth knowledge of social, economic and cultural ecosystem of the South Bombay constituency," Mukesh had said in the video.
Deora thanked the industrialists, small businessmen and traders' bodies for their "overwhelming" support to him.
The Congress leader was defeated by Sawant in the previous elections.
Mumbai will go to polls on April 29. The counting of votes will be held on May 23.