Congress leader Acharya Pramod Krishnam, who has been seemingly vocal against a section of the party, on Sunday said that the Congress's poor performance in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh was a result of opposing the 'Sanatan Dharm'. Acharya Krishnam said, "Opposing Sanatan (Dharma) has sunk the party. This country has never accepted caste-based politics...This is the curse of opposing Sanatan (Dharma)."
Congress leader Acharya Pramod Krishnam had earlier accused a section of the party of "hating" Hindus and Lord Ram. Last month, he said: "I have felt that there are some leaders in Congress who hate Lord Ram. These leaders also hate the word 'Hindu', they want to insult Hindu religious gurus. They don't like that there should be a Hindu religious guru in the party."
Acharya Krishnam who had earlier been seen defending the Congress in TV debates on several issues, has been seemingly speaking against the party leadership of late. The Congress leader from Lucknow also advocated the inclusion of BSP supremo Mayawati in the I.N.D.I.A bloc for any shot at defeating the BJP in Uttar Pradesh. He said that it would be impossible to defeat the BJP in the Lok Sabha polls in UP unless Mayawati joined the I.N.D.I.A bloc.
Mayawati, on the other hand, has been quite vocal against the Congress, accusing it of not implementing the Mandal Commission's report on a caste census. She also alleged that the Congress had resorted to using fake video to pursue propaganda against the BSP. Mayawati had earlier said that BSP would go solo in the Lok Sabha polls in 2024. Acharya Krishnam's statement favouring her had raised quite a few eyebrows.
Acharya Krishnam had even called for the ouster of DMK's Udhayanidhi Stalin for his comments allegedly against 'Sanatan Dharm'. "I want to appeal to all the senior leaders of the alliance that they should expel the political parties who speak against Sanatan. It is time to make a decision to stop opposing Sanatan Dharm." "Those who speak against Sanatan are descendants of Ravana and their annihilation is certain," he added.