New Delhi: Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu who has recently made several headlines by making controversial statements, has once again made a shocking remark. While campaigning for Congress candidate Digvijaya Singh in Bhopal, Sidhu said “Hit a sixer that Modi flies outside the boundary of India (Aisa Chakka Maaro ki Modi Hindustan k Baahar Jaakr Gire)”.
The shocking remark came days ahead of voting in Bhopal which would take place during 6th phase of Lok Sabha election on May 12.
Earlier in the day, Sidhu, in a tweet, said, "One wrong vote can make your children chaiwala, pakorawala or chowkidar. Better prevent and prepare, rather than repent and repair."
The BJP later attacked Congress leader for his “remark, saying the Punjab minister has insulted the hardworking, common people of the country.
"Today the kind of tweets that Mr Navjot Singh Sidhu had put out insulted the common people of the country, who actually work really hard to make their ends meet” BJP national spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said.
"People who are self-made, who are entrepreneurs in their own lives and people who work in small enterprises to make their livelihoods meet, the Congress party apparently has no respect for them," Rao told reporters during a press briefing at the BJP office.
Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu makes SHOCKING statement against PM Modi
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
30 Apr 2019 10:45 AM (IST)
The BJP later attacked Congress leader for his “remark, saying the Punjab minister has insulted the hardworking, common people of the country.
Punjab Cabinet Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu. FILE PIC/AFP.
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