While addressing an election rally ‘Nyay Sankalp Sabha’ in Himachal Pradesh's Chamba ahead of the seventh phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi took a jibe at the Bharatiya Janata Party, saying that it became the world's richest party in just 10 years, while Congress couldn't achieve this in even 55 years.

“Congress was in power for 55 years but still it could not become the richest party in the world. In just 10 years, BJP has become the world’s richest party. How did this happen? Where did all this money come from? Whose money is this?," Priyanka Gandhi questioned while hitting out at the saffron party.

She further said: "A report states that BJP has spent Rs 60,000 crores in last few years. Then, they call Congress corrupt. They ask for vote in the name of god. Which god will tell whom to vote for? All gods, saints and great personalities have only said one thing – follow the path of truth. People of Himachal Pradesh should recognize the one who walks on the path of truth."

According to a report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), six national parties including the BJP and Congress declared a total income of about Rs 3,077 crore in 2023-23 financial year.

Out of this, the saffron party has the highest share in the declared total income of the parties, with around Rs 2,361 crore. This constitutes 76.73 percent of the total income. 

Congress on the other hand stood at the second mark with an income of around Rs 452 crore, constituting 14.70 percent of the total income.

Alleging that the saffron party's money "comes from billionaires", Priyanka Gandhi said: "They (BJP) only want to stay in power and will do anything to remain in power. Agniveer Scheme is the result of this politics and for this, they need a lot of money. This money comes from billionaires and therefore, they have only made schemes for these billionaires.”

She further stated that PM Modi led-government's policies are aimed at millionaires and he can waive their loans, "but has no money for old pension scheme." All BJP leaders starting from PM Modi have just one purpose -- to grab power at any cost," Priyanka Gandhi added.

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