New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday announced that he would be going on an indefinite hunger strike from March 1 in a bid to push the Centre to grant full statehood to Delhi. Speaking at the Delhi Assembly, Arvind Kejriwal also said that the entire Delhi now needs to launch a movement for the full statehood.

"From March 1, we will launch the movement to make Delhi a full state and we will not end it till Delhi gets full statehood," he said.

Addressing the media, Arvind Kejriwal said, "Democracy has been implemented in entire nation, but not Delhi. Public votes and selects a government, but the government has no power. So we're starting a movement on March 1 and I'll sit on indefinite fast for the full statehood of Delhi."

The state govt has also decided to make full statehood for Delhi the main poll agenda for AAP ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

Arvind Kejriwal had earlier said that if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) bags all seven seats in the Lok Sabha elections, they will be able to build pressure on the Centre to grant full statehood to Delhi.

He had announced that if the AAP wins all seven seats, his party will ensure that Delhi gets full statehood status within two years. Addressing a public rally here, Kejriwal said he will provide pucca house to every citizen of the national capital if Delhi attains full statehood.