UP B.Ed Entrance Exam Result 2020: Lucknow University has released the result of the Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Joint Entrance Examination 2020. The university has released the result on its official website: www.lkouniv.ac.in. ALSO READ | CHSE Odisha Class 12 Arts Results DECLARED At orissaresults.nic.in; Check Pass Percentage, Direct Link & How To Check

The examination was postponed thrice in view of the Covid-19 lockdown and then was finally conducted on August 9 despite candidates and their parents opposing the decision.

The candidates can check their state rank, category rank and marks by visiting the official website of Lucknow University. Those who have cleared the exams will be called for counseling and the schedule for the same will be released soon on the website.

Steps To Follow To Check Results

  1. Go to the official website:  www.lkouniv.ac.in

  2. Click on the 'UP B.Ed JEE Result' Link

  3. Enter your user ID and Password.

  4. Your 'UP B.Ed JEE' Results will appear on the screen.

  5. Download and take a print out for future use.

Click on this direct link for checking the result

Exams were conducted in 1,089 centers across 73 districts of Uttar Pradesh. 4.32 lakh candidates had registered for appearing in the examination. However, 3,57,064 candidates had ultimately appeared in the examination. Special precautions were taken considering the coronavirus situation.

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