New Delhi: On Thursday, UGC released the guidelines for reopening of universities and colleges amid the Coronavirus pandemic in a phased manner. ALSO READ | Punjab Govt Allows Colleges, Universities To Reopen From November 16; Know What The Order States

In its new directions, UGC has stated that the heads of centrally funded higher education institutions are given the authority to take a call on reopening campuses for physical classes amid pandemic.

For state universities and colleges, the state governments have the onus to decide on the resumption of physical classes.

UGC has suggested six-day weeks, smaller class-sizes for following social distancing norms but compensate the teaching hours in a day can be extended as per the requirements.

"Six-day schedule may be followed so that classes can be conducted in phases and the seating arrangement be made keeping in view the requirements of physical distancing. Universities and colleges may consider reducing the class size and break them into multiple sections to maintain physical distancing during the classes," read the official statement.

The institutions need to ensure that “before reopening of any campus, the Central or the concerned State Government must have declared the area safe for reopening of educational institutions. The directions, instructions, guidelines and orders issued by the Central and State Government concerned regarding safety and health in view of Covid-19 must be fully abided by the higher education institutions".

Institutions have to be ready to handle the students, faculty and staff coming in the campus while adhering to the disinfecting measures, ensuring safety and health conditions, screening and detecting the infected persons and following other containment measures.

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Students of all research programmes and post-graduate students in science and technology programmes are allowed to join classes as the number of students studying at PG level is relatively lower. However, social distancing norms and preventive measures have to be followed. Final year students can also come in for academic reason and placement, as decided by the head of the institution.

Online study material and access to e-resources need to be ensured for students who prefer to study online while staying at home. Institutions have been requested to make arrangements for online teaching-learning for international students who are unable to not join the classes due to international travel restrictions or visa-related problems.

"Hostels may be opened only in such cases where it is necessary while strictly observing the safety and health preventive measures. However, the sharing of rooms may not be allowed in hostels. Symptomatic students should not be permitted to stay in the hostels under any circumstances," read the statement.

This comes soon after the Punjab government announced its decision to resume classes in Universities and Colleges from November 16.

An official spokesperson of the Punjab government said that all the higher education, medical education, and research and technical education institutions, including all universities and colleges in the areas outside containment zones in the state, will be allowed to re-open from November 16, 2020.

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