The Supreme Court of India has asked the Solicitor General and Manipur’s Advocate General to look into the woes of the violence-affected Manipur students, who are seeking to be shifted to other central universities, as per a Bar and Bench report. The apex court made the remarks while hearing the plea of 250 Kuki students who have been seeking to direct the UGC to relocate them to other Central Universities in the country. A Supreme Court bench headed by CJI DY Chandrachud heard petitions pertaining to the Manipur violence, and also looked into the reports of the committee led by former judge Justice Gita Mittal. 

During the hearing, senior advocate Meenakshi Arora urged: “For Kashmir migrants the same thing was done. They are all out of Manipur now. If they can just be accommodated in other universities,” Bar & Bench reported. In response, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta was reported as saying that the report has been given to the committee, and they are already looking into it. Asked by CJI DY Chandrachud, why don’t they move the HC? Meenakshi Aroroa was quoted as saying: “they are losing time.. already 6 months gone.. again they have to go to Imphal HC now.. pursuant to violence they moved out.. 

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In the hearing, CJI DY Chandrachud observed: “Petitioners request that these students be relocated to other universities. We have requested the SG and Manipur AG to look into this so that this is resolved in a humane manner. List this next week.” Notably, the Supreme Court will be hearing the pleas once again next week, on December 4, 2023. 

Earlier in July this year, as many as 310 Kuki students from Manipur, signed a letter addressed to the UGC Chairperson Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, citing that their universities have become a “centre of hatred, arson, and violence perpetrated by the majority Meitei community against minority tribal groups” as per a Hindustan Times report. In the letter, the Kuki Students’ Organisation requested the UGC chairman to intervene into the matter and relocate students from the Manipur University and Dhanamanjuri University to other central universities. 

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