The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM Calcutta) has appointed Sahadeb Sarkar as its new director. The move comes following after IIM Calcutta accepted the resignation of director Uttam Kumar Sarkar with immediate effect. Following the resignation, the Board of Governors of IIM Calcutta unanimously chose Sahadeb Sarkar as the next director of the premier management institute. Notably, Sarkar has been associated with IIM Calcutta for many years and has discharged several responsibilities at the institute.
“Through his long tenure of service, he knows IIM Calcutta intimately: its history, culture and the aspirations of its large body of faculty, students, alumni, staff, Board, and all stakeholders,” a Careers360 report quoted the official statement from the IIM Calcutta Board of Governors as saying.
“He articulated in the clearest terms an understanding of “what needs to be done and how it must be done” to help IIM Calcutta achieve its global aspirations. To this end, he presented a compelling and pragmatic agenda for his term as Director. He appreciates and understands the complexities of the role and the expectations,” the statement was further reported as saying.
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Prior to his appointment as the Director, Sahadeb Sarkar did his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA between 1986 - 1990. He also served as an Associate Professor with tenure at Oklahoma State University, US. He further completed his bachelor’s and masters’ in statistics from IIM Calcutta. Sarkar has also taught several subjects at the IIM Calcutta including statistics, finance, basic mathematics, among others. He has also been felicitated with the 23rd and 17th Dewang Mehta Business School award for “Best Teacher in Operations Management” in November 2015 and November 2009 respectively.
After resigning from the Director's position though, Professor Uttam Kumar Sarkar will continue serving his duties as a professor in the management information systems at IIM Calcutta, as per various reports. Professor Uttam Kumar Sarkar is the second director to resign from the post before serving the complete 5-year term.
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