New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released results for Private, Improvement, and Compartment Examinations.

The results for Private, Improvement and Compartment Examinations have been released on the official website Students can check their results only by visiting this website.  

In complete compliance with COVID-19 protocols, examinations were conducted between August 25 and September 15, 2021.

In view of the second wave of COVID-19, board exams were cancelled this year, and the results were declared by the Board on the basis of their internal evaluation policy.

Results for Class 10th Special examinations may also be announced soon.

Class 12th exam results could be viewed on the official website, Out of the total 35 lakh registered students, about 30% of the students appeared for the special offline examination. 

How to check CBSE Class 12th Private, Improvement, Compartment Results 2021:

Step 1: Candidates should visit their official website,
Step 2: Click on the 'results' tab on the website.
Step 3: Now click on the link to Senior School Certificate Compartment Examination (Class XII) Results 2021.
Step 4: Enter and submit your roll number and school number.
Step 5: Your result will then appear on the screen.

CBSE Class 12th Improvement Examination Results

The Board had earlier said that it will announce the results of Class 12th students on a priority basis to ensure that they get equal opportunities to apply for various universities across the country. Students are advised to keep an eye on the official website and for all the latest updates related to board exam results.

CBSE Board Exams Registrations:

CBSE Special, Improvement, Private Examinations were held between August 25th and September 15th this year. Out of the total 35 Lakh registered students, about 30 percent of the students appeared in special offline mode i.e. in class. This examination was also attempted by students who were not satisfied with their Class 12th results.

Before the exams started, many CBSE students were worried about their health safety during offline mode examinations due to which they staged a protest outside the CBSE office for several days demanding cancellation of the examinations.

According to the protesters, private students will not get equal opportunities as the rest of the Class 12th students if the examinations are conducted, after which CBSE had ensured the Supreme Court that results for Class 12th examinations would be released before September 30 to make sure that no student faces any difficulty while enrolling in any university.

With the results announced a day before the date reported in the affidavit, these students will also be able to enroll in the first cut-off list to be issued by the University of Delhi. DU is going to release its first cut-off on October 1, which students are eagerly waiting for.

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