Madhulata Silawat stood at the second position while Nikita Patidar secured third rank in Madhya Pradesh class 12 MPBSE 2020 exams. To everyone's surprise, even the fourth and fifth positions have been secured by girls. Riyanshi Shakyawar stood at the fourth rank this year while the fifth position has been bagged by Nirali Sharma.
This year over 8.5 lakh students had appeared for the Arts, Commerce, and Science stream exams which were held on between 2nd March 2020 and 31st March 2020. Of these, a total of 73.40 per cent girls cleared the exam successfully, while the pass percentage of boys is 64.66 per cent.
On whole, the overall pass percentage for this year for MPBSE Class 12 students is 68.81 per cent. To clear the MPBSE class 12 exam, students require a minimum of 33 per cent. The pass percentage dipped from the last year, which was 72.37 per cent.
In 2019, the results were announced by mid of May without any delay. However, owing to the Coronavirus pandemic and nation-wide lockdown, school education boards across the country could not complete the examination procedure on time, which in-turn delayed the evaluation and results of the students.
ALSO READ | RBSE To Declare Results Tomorrow At 4 PM; Here's All You Need To Know
Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Results can be checked through the official website i.e. and by Application Number and Roll Number.
Students can also apply for re-checking / re-evaluation of the answer sheets in case they feel that scorecards do not justify their efforts. In case there is any change in the final mark tally, the same would be updated in the original mark sheet.
Madhulata Silawat stood at the second position while Nikita Patidar secured third rank in Madhya Pradesh class 12 MPBSE 2020 exams. To everyone's surprise, even the fourth and fifth positions have been secured by girls. Riyanshi Shakyawar stood at the fourth rank this year while the fifth position has been bagged by Nirali Sharma.
This year over 8.5 lakh students had appeared for the Arts, Commerce, and Science stream exams which were held on between 2nd March 2020 and 31st March 2020. Of these, a total of 73.40 per cent girls cleared the exam successfully, while the pass percentage of boys is 64.66 per cent.
On whole, the overall pass percentage for this year for MPBSE Class 12 students is 68.81 per cent. To clear the MPBSE class 12 exam, students require a minimum of 33 per cent. The pass percentage dipped from the last year, which was 72.37 per cent.
In 2019, the results were announced by mid of May without any delay. However, owing to the Coronavirus pandemic and nation-wide lockdown, school education boards across the country could not complete the examination procedure on time, which in-turn delayed the evaluation and results of the students.
ALSO READ | RBSE To Declare Results Tomorrow At 4 PM; Here's All You Need To Know
Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Results can be checked through the official website i.e. and by Application Number and Roll Number.
Students can also apply for re-checking / re-evaluation of the answer sheets in case they feel that scorecards do not justify their efforts. In case there is any change in the final mark tally, the same would be updated in the original mark sheet.