In preparation for the upcoming Christmas festival, the education department of Shajapur has instructed all private schools in the district to seek parental consent before involving children in any Santa Claus-themed activities or dressing them as Santa Claus during school Christmas celebrations. This proactive measure aims to avoid potential controversies surrounding the holiday festivities.
Officer Dubey said that all of the around 1500 schools in the district have received instructions to refrain from dressing students as Santa Claus. This precautionary measure aims to prevent potential controversies surrounding the portrayal of Santa Claus during school activities.
Notably, Christmas, a deeply cherished holiday, holds a diverse historical background steeped in cultural and religious customs. While it is now observed on December 25 as the day of Jesus's birth, this wasn't always the prevailing practice. In the early years of Christianity, distinct Christian communities marked Christmas on varying dates like January 6 and March 25. The Bible's silence regarding the specific day or time of year when Mary was believed to have given birth in Bethlehem led to this diversity in celebrating Christmas among different groups.
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, the holiday's roots and its placement in December trace back to the ancient Greco-Roman world, likely starting around the second century.
The official celebration of Christmas on December 25 by the church in Rome commenced in the year 336, under the rule of Emperor Constantine.
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